Do You Need Special Shoes for Racing Apparel?

When it comes to running your next race, you don't necessarily need to put on a pair of running shoes. If your main goal is to finish the race, regardless of the time, then you may not need specific running shoes. However, if you want to get the most out of your race, then wearing the right type of shoe is essential. Wearing the wrong type of shoe is one of the most common causes of running injuries.

When it comes to racing apparel, safety is paramount. Important safety equipment such as harnesses, racing seats, fire suits and helmets are taken into account to ensure the driver's safety and comfort. Racing shoes made of leather are more durable and provide better grip on the pedals, but they also retain more heat which can be a problem in a hot race car without insulation.

Jonathan Yellow
Jonathan Yellow

Subtly charming music advocate. Evil coffee fan. Music trailblazer. Total pizza guru. Hardcore tv aficionado.