What Safety Gear Do Race Car Drivers Wear?

Racing suits may look stylish, but they also serve a vital purpose in keeping drivers safe. NASCAR drivers wear fireproof suits, underwear, shoes, gloves, and a heat shield on the bottom of their shoes to protect them in the event of a fire. The suit is also used to identify the driver outside the car. NASCAR lacks many of the safety measures found in other racing series, such as a safety committee, medical or safety director, or a constant travel safety team that attends every race. To ensure the best protection against fire in a racing car, it is important to examine each component of the safety clothing separately and in detail.

Fireproof suits and underwear are essential for NASCAR drivers. They must also wear certified helmets. Fireproof shoes and gloves are also necessary. To prevent feet from getting too hot during long races, most drivers wear a thermal protector on the soles of their shoes.

Jonathan Yellow
Jonathan Yellow

Subtly charming music advocate. Evil coffee fan. Music trailblazer. Total pizza guru. Hardcore tv aficionado.