Karting Suits vs Racing Suits: What's the Difference?

Karting and racing are two very different sports, and the suits used for each are designed to meet the specific needs of each sport. Karting suits are designed to be abrasion resistant, as the driver is much more exposed in a kart than in a racing car. This means that the materials used in karting suits are much stronger than those used in racing car suits. Racing suits designed for go-kart racing don't have to meet the same requirements as racing car suits, as there is less risk of fire injuries in go-kart racing, but more risk of abrasion injuries. When choosing a suit for either karting or racing, it's important to make sure that it meets the requirements of your racing series.

Once you've determined that your suit meets the requirements, you can then look at the materials and construction of the suit. Karting suits are usually made from abrasion-resistant materials such as Kevlar or Nomex, while racing car suits are usually made from fire-resistant materials such as Nomex. In conclusion, it's important to remember that karting and racing are two very different sports, and the suits used for each should be chosen accordingly. Karting suits should be abrasion-resistant, while racing car suits should be fire-resistant. It's also important to make sure that your suit meets the requirements of your racing series.

Jonathan Yellow
Jonathan Yellow

Subtly charming music advocate. Evil coffee fan. Music trailblazer. Total pizza guru. Hardcore tv aficionado.